
Corporate AI and Automation Workshops

Set your team up for success, saving hours of time!

Increased Efficiency

Drive Revenue

Automate Repetitive Tasks

The Purpose

What Good is a Workshop?

The landscape for work is changing, with over 50% of Aussie businesses already starting to adopt AI.

Our corporate workshops teach your team how to effectively use artificial intelligence and automation in their line of work. We provide real-world examples and hands-on exercises that are relevant to your industry.

During the workshop, we collaborate with your team to identify challenges and develop AI-driven solutions on the spot. This practical approach ensures that your team can immediately apply what they've learned to improve efficiency, enhance decision-making, and drive innovation.

Save a minimum of

2 hours per week!


What's Included?

1. Introduction

What is AI and Automation? What tools are available?

When the workshop starts, we first establish the roles of each team member involved and get them thinking about ways that automation can help them.

We then unpack how AI and automation work, and the different solutions that are available online. This is an educational phase, allowing even someone with no coding or programming background to understand how these systems work.

In this phase, we also do a short crash course in automation programs like Zapier and, which are no code solutions for automation.

2. Process Mapping

The second stage is the most hands on, as we dig deep into some of the key processes that occur within the business and for each of the staff members. We map out these processes and the team are taught how to identify opportunities for automation.

Once we have outlined the opportunities, we create wireframes for workflows that will ultimately enable these solutions.

3. Creating Solutions

By this stage in the workshop, the team has already started thinking like true automation professionals. This is when their knowledge is put into practice.

We create the live solutions and integrate them with the business systems. This is done in a way that ensures no damage to the already established business processes.

4. Conclusion

We provide bonus automations that will help your team get started!

Depending on the type of business, we provide automations that help with social media, client onboarding, customer service, or general admin.

Want to Get Started?

Pick an available slot and lock in a Corporate Workshop today!

Your Instructor

Josh Rentenaar

Josh is the founder of Harvest AI Solutions and an expert in AI and automation. As a workshop leader, Josh breaks down complex topics and technologies, enabling attendees to walk away with a deeper, more practical understanding.

With a keen eye for opportunities, he bridges the gap between cutting-edge AI advancements and real-world business needs. If you have questions during the workshop, Josh will be happy to answer.

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