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Here's what we're working on!

Automation Courses

Social Media Automation

Automate your content creation, respond to comments with AI, and much more.

3 hours

5 Lessons

Beginner Level

Business Admin Automation

Remove hours of admin tasks from your day with automated workflows.

3 hours

6 Lessons

Intermediate Level

Build an AI Employee

Build your very own AI staff member to do tasks like customer service, sales, or to be an assistant.

2 hours

4 Lessons

Beginner Level

After something else?

Our Services

Bespoke Automation


If you're looking to integrate AI into your business, or automate a process that is costing you time and money, we're here to help.

Our solutions are custom built to fit in with how your business already runs! To get started, book a free, 30 minute call with Josh.



We offer workshops for both corporate teams, and high school classes.

Our corporate workshops train your staff on automation and AI, equipping then with the knowledge to work more efficiently.

High school workshops teach students how AI is changing the landscape of their future careers. They will learn how AI works, and how to stay ahead once they graduate.

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